Free Injury assessment

Health Professionals in Angel Islington

What is a injury assessment

We recognise the ongoing inadequacies of our current healthcare system. We believe that we can contribute to the health of our community by giving free 10-minute full-body injury assessments at selected time slots. Our experts will conduct a thorough body assessment. This assessment evaluates your range of motion, muscle imbalances and identifies areas of tightness and discomfort.

Benefits of a injury assessment?

Injury assessments provide a range of critical benefits, particularly for athletes and physically active individuals. They enable accurate diagnosis, determining the exact nature and extent of an injury, which is essential for developing personalised treatment plans tailored to the individual's specific needs. By identifying potential risk factors, injury assessments help prevent further injuries through targeted interventions. They also facilitate faster and more effective recovery by addressing all aspects of the injury, including pain management. Improved understanding of one's body leads to better performance and reduced pain during recovery. Additionally, injury assessments educate individuals on their injury and how to prevent similar issues in the future. Establishing a baseline measurement allows for monitoring progress and adjusting treatment as needed.

What to expect on your assessment?

At Dr Stretch the session consists of a consultation and assessment. The assessment begins with an initial consultation where the history of the injury, symptoms, and previous treatments are discussed, alongside general health and lifestyle factors. A thorough physical examination follows, assessing the affected area for swelling, bruising, range of motion, strength, and functional abilities Following the assessment, findings are discussed, and a personalised treatment plan is developed, which may include physical therapy, exercises, rest