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When should you go for a sports massage

Some people believe that sports massages are only for athletes or those who exercise regularly. However, this isn't the case. Sports massages are effective for treating various musculoskeletal issues, aiding recovery, and offering mental health benefits. So, when is the right time to get a sports massage?

Individuals should schedule a sports massage when they notice warning signs of muscular aches and pains, such as:

Stiffness, aches, and pain

Reduced sporting performance

Injuries causing ongoing issues

Athletes should book regular appointments to alleviate DOMS, minimise injury risk, and optimise performance.

When to Get a Sports Massage

People seek sports massages for various reasons, and the timing of their sessions depends on these reasons. For example, athletes often have regular sports massage sessions to keep their bodies in top condition, prevent injuries, and reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

However, sports massages aren't just for athletes. They can be incredibly beneficial for a range of conditions that affect the general public, including:

- Limited range of motion

- Musculoskeletal conditions

- Injury and recovery

- Stress and anxiety

- Trouble sleeping

How Often Should You Have a Sports Massage?

It is recommended that individuals suffering from the above conditions have sports massages every 1-4 weeks, depending on the severity of the condition. However, some experts suggest weekly appointments or at least two per month.

Warning signs that indicate a need for a massage include feeling achy or stiff, experiencing limited sports performance, feeling generally stressed or anxious, or dealing with persistent injury issues.

How Long Does it Take to Work?

Typically, it can take up to 48 hours to begin noticing the effects of a sports massage. Some individuals may experience the effects sooner or later, but this does not mean that the treatment is any more or less effective.

It's also important to note that those new to sports massage may feel soreness after their first few sessions. This occurs because the body is not yet accustomed to being manipulated in this way. Many people compare the sensation to delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This minor ache should resolve on its own after a day or so.

Benefits of Sports Massage?

The benefits of sports massage are both physical and mental. They include:

- Reduction of DOMS: A study found that a quick 5-minute sports massage post-exercise can significantly reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

- Increased range of motion and flexibility: All types of massage are reported to improve range of motion, particularly in the shoulder area and lower limbs.

- Decreased recovery time from exercise and/or injury: Massage helps to reduce recovery time due to its focus on deep tissue penetration.

- Decreased muscle tension: Sports massage manipulates the muscles, tissues, and tendons, helping to relieve tension.

- Decreased muscle spasms: Relieving muscle tension and fatigue can help reduce muscle spasms.

- Increased sense of well-being: Sports massage can induce a sense of calm, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and other tensions.

- Improved sleep: Massage promotes relaxation and increases serotonin levels, helping people sleep better.

How Long Do the Benefits Last?

On average, most people tend to feel the benefits of a massage for about a week after their treatment. However, this varies from person to person. Some may experience long-term benefits lasting up to a month, while others might only feel the effects for a few days.

This variability is why regular sports massage appointments are recommended, especially for those with chronic or ongoing concerns. Weekly sessions, or at least every other week, will help to maintain and extend the benefits.

We hope this information is useful for you. If you need advice or have any questions about our treatments, please contact us. You can find us near Essex Rd in Angel Islington. We are always happy to help. If you like this blog, please share!

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